Living Wages No Tipping

We are dedicated to providing a stable work environment with fair & equitable wages for our team. Tips are no longer an expectation, nor a line item on your check. We have eliminated tipping in order to align with our core values of equal pay for equal work.
Why We Have Moved To A No Tipping Model

Let’s talk about tipping as an expression of appreciation
Some people might feel that our servers deserve tips and that eliminating tips is a sign that we don’t appreciate servers. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, we believe that our servers should be paid well whether or not guests tip generously.
Another misconception about tipping is the belief that all tips are divided equally among the restaurant staff. This is not true. Servers may choose to split tips with a busser or a bartender and in rare cases cooks/bakers, but it is illegal for a restaurant owner or manager to direct a server to share their tips. As a result, most tips stay with the server. This is why servers make two to three times as much as kitchen staff when you factor in tips.
At The Buttered Tin, we want to do things differently. By eliminating all tips, we are able to run our restaurant like a business and pay people based upon experience, skill, and time with the company, promotions ,etc. And because we pay a living wage, our guests don’t have to feel like they need to supplement our teams’ wages by tipping.
We depend on you to tell us how we are doing—even without a tip
Tipping has long been the diner’s language to express appreciation for food and service. But we’d rather hear from you directly. Besides, we think expectations about tipping are getting out of hand when it’s considered an insult to leave less than a 25 percent tip, regardless of the quality of the service. Our no tipping model removes that tension from your dining experience.
How do you express your satisfaction to our servers under our no tipping model? And, just as important, what can you do if you don’t enjoy your food or experience? A compassionate and empowered manager is our restaurant at all times—and our website has a telephone number and email address for you to contact us. We encourage you to reach out through any of these channels, and we deeply appreciate it when you do!
Your feedback helps us be the best we can be for our community. Part of doing our best for you is creating a lovely dining experience from beginning to end. After finishing a meal, we want you to appreciate the quality of our food and our service—not wrestle internally about whether the size of your tip was “good enough.”